Bernard de Montréal


bernard de MontréalIn the field of esotericism and through the gamut of works inspired by Tradition and parapsychology, Bernard de Montréal emerges as the pioneer of an integral science of mind, which he qualifies as Evolutionary Psychology. This science places man, evolving in consciousness, at the center of emerging epistemological and metaphysical inquiry, as he delves into the yet unknown mechanisms of the faculty of thought.How does thought serve him and in which way is the thinking man shortchanged by it? Such questions weigh heavily, trained as we are, to elevate the value of the cogito to the highest degree. Has the nature of thought become a forbidden topic, to the point where we dare not address its shortcomings or doubt its fundamental benefits for man?

Bernard de Montréal addresses the notion of the Supramental, as a source of innate knowledge or “fusion”, which promises to redefine the parameters of the human mind. The author urges a redefinition of thought itself which, for centuries, was held as the ultimate attainment of human development and as what ultimately distinguishes man from animal. Thought must therefore be redefined on its own merit so that we may retrace our origins and true identity as a "cosmic race". This implies a rebirth, as omniscient beings who will cease, according to the author, to depend on the mechanical and limited functions of the Intellect, placed in the service of Reason, sovereign Queen of classical western philosophy. Supramental consciousness, of which Sri Aurobindo spoke, here finds a cold and forceful expression, through a new yet complementary definition, where the “higher mind” transcends the era of spirituality and of the great religions. Bernard de Montréal foretells a global reconfiguration of human consciousness, to address the profound insufficiency of human knowledge. This new era heralds a new world order, where reason is to be displaced by a cosmic gnosis in the service of man, no longer abandoned to himself in his ongoing quest for meaning. As, according to the author, the psychic survival of humanity depends on this shift, without which manking will be incapable of facing the upheavals that the future holds.

In short, Bernard de Montréal embodies what one might call a Nietzschean ardor directed at human ignorance, which combines seamlessly with a Platonic vision of Being. Religions are relegated to the period of human “involution”, while the principle of Christian love is edified as emanating from a “universal principle”, in accordance with Eastern philosophical thought.

Finally, throughout his works, the author resolutely takes on numerous topics, as challenging as they are contentious, namely the u.f.o. phenomenon, cases of possession, of mental illness and of psychic influence, of telepathy, of so called “unexplained” psychic phenomena, of extrasensory perception and more. And on a prophetic note, Bernard de Montréal addresses the future evolutionary consciousness of the “new man”, which will reshape man’s psyche, as he becomes exposed to the challenges or a new world order, the proportions of which “defy science fiction” . (Beyond the Mind, p.119)